President's 2014 Report to the University Senate

September 19, 2014

Members of the Rutgers Community:

As we draw close to our 250th anniversary in 2016, we are making exciting progress in our transformation into the new Rutgers—a transformation reflected in the construction projects we see across our university system but driven by the energy of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Today I gave my State of the University address at the University Senate meeting, and I would like to draw your attention to the full address. In this Annual Progress Report, I reviewed the vital activities in which we have engaged over the past year and set the agenda for progress in the coming year. The document reports on critical steps we are taking toward our bold vision for the new Rutgers.

I encourage you to read the document and I welcome your feedback. We are making important progress at Rutgers, and I look forward to working with you to build a Rutgers that achieves its enormous potential as one of the nation’s finest research universities.


Bob Barchi